
Playing With BallsProblem Link

problem simplified:

There are W white balls and B black balls in a bag. </br>

In each step, a magician randomly removes any two balls from the bag. If the drawn balls are of the same color, he will put one white ball in the bag, otherwise he will put a black ball in it. The two drawn balls from the bag from the ball are discarded. </br>

you have to determine the probability that the color of last ball remaining in the bag is black. </br> </br> </br>

3 possible outcomes are: </br>



Solution Code(C++)

    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    #define lli long long int

    int main() {
        lli t; cin>>t;
            lli w, b; cin>>w>>b;
            if(b % 2 == 0){
            }else cout<<"1.000000"<<endl;